Monday, July 12, 2010

Day of Prayer and Fasting for important meeting

Hello all!

I am so excited to ask for you to join us in fasting and praying this Friday, July 16 for a crucial meeting in Liberia on Saturday, July 17. There will be a meeting that will allow the adoption service providers a chance to tell the whole truth of adoptions in Liberia. To this point, the only public stories told were the lies spread by the Ministry of Health and some at the Justice Ministry. But thanks to a new Justice Minister, there will be a public hearing where the truth can be told!

I have asked before that you pray Psalm 10. God has taken me back there. Please pray this for the children of Liberia and those who have been taken money when/how they should not have been. Pray it for the officials who have the power and obligation to speak up and publicly take a stand against the lies being told to President Sirleaf about adoptions. Pray for President Sirleaf, that un-like Pharaoh, her heart will not be hardened, but softened to the plight of the children in her country. As I have always said, adoption is not the solution, but is a small piece to a large puzzle that can help turn this country around. One of our children will be attending the meeting to speak. He is one of our amazing young men. Pray for him. Pray that he has the opportunity to speak on behalf of all the waiting children in Liberia. Pray that God gives him the words and the boldness to speak just like David as he approached Goliath!

As always, this battle is truly not against these people....any of those in power who have acted in wicked ways. This battle is against the evil forces of darkness in this world. So let's pray those evil forces back to the abyss! It's time for the children to be victorious in this battle and God to receive the honor and glory due Him in the adoptions as they occur!

A huge thank you to Maria Luiken from WACSN for her efforts and courage in speaking with officials and fighting for the children of Liberia and working to make this meeting happen. She came to our rescue when Deputy Minister Geebro illegally tried to stop us and three other families from bringing home our children in January 2008. She is a true warrior for the children of Liberia. Pray for her and the others on the front lines as they meet with these officials this week.

Many now agree that it is time for the corruption and lies to be made public! I am so thankful for this as God has told me for some time that it is time to expose those in power who are acting in wicked ways toward the children and prospering personally. Now we, the adoption service providers, are united in exposing those people. May God's justice reign!

Thank you for praying! I will post more specific prayer requests and scriptures to be praying as the week progresses. Please pass this along to other prayer warriors. Its time for the adoption band to be lifted and these children to come home to the homes God has prepared in advance for them!

For the children,
HollyAnn Petree
Executive Director
Addy's Hope Adoption Agency